
The Washington Brittany Club is pleased to provide the following informational Website Links and documents below, as an initial resource for you as you begin your search for Brittany information. The intent of the Resource Page is to increase your awareness of what resources are available in the Pacific Northwest and beyond, along with a comprehensive general training document and puppy contact information. As with all information, it will change over time, please check back for any updates.

As with all research, please do your due diligence to insure that any information or referral you explore, no matter what the source, provides the high quality standards that you and your Brittany expects and deserves.

Your feedback is important. Please provide feedback to the club if you find other resources that would be a benefit to this website.

Hunting or Hiking with your Brittany and the Danger of Wildlife Animal Traps

The Idaho Fish and Game Department created two videos and a brochure as a public service and a warning for dog owners who hunt or hike in areas with Wildlife Traps.  The videos help dog owners identify and avoid Wildlife Traps before dogs are caught, and also demonstrates how to disable the traps in order to safely release your dog, if your dog should fall victim to a Wildlife Trap.  The videos identify and demonstrate the different types of traps, the list of specific tools to disable them, along with the fastest and safest techniques for you to use to release your dog from a Wildlife Trap.

Also included below is the “How to Release Your Pet Brochure”, which can be printed to carry with you as a reference  if you hunt or hike any areas with Wildlife Traps. 

Recognizing and Avoiding Wildlife Traps | Idaho Fish and Game (video)
Releasing your Dog from a Trap (video)
How to release your pet from a trap (PDF file)

Organizational Resources for Brittanys

The following organizations have given approval to post their information on the WBC Website as a resource.

South of Seattle

Argus Ranch Facility for Dogs – Auburn, Washington
The Argus Ranch Facility for Dogs lists Agility and Obedience Classes along with Private Lessons, Tracking and Conformation.

Paws Ability – Fife, Washington
The Paws Ability has an exceptionally comprehensive list of training (covering every age group) in the non-field areas.  It is an expansive area and the facility has most of the newer equipment. They do agility, breed handling, Canine Good Citizen, nose work, obedience, puppy obedience, rally, service dog training and testing, star puppy and therapy dog evaluations with Chris Cornell (TDI Dogs.)  They also have a fly-ball club.

Seattle and North of Seattle

Project Canine – Seattle, Washington
Therapy Dogs Training, Certification and Outreach

Seattle Dog Training – Fremont, Washington
Introductory classes offered such as puppy/kindergarten training, as well as, basic and agility training.  

Seattle Humane Society – Bellevue, Washington
This website is a good resource for “first time” pet owners, who are searching for help with initial training, such as puppy/dog manners which is the first step in having a happy, healthy, and obedient dog, then you can start the rest of the training.

Southwest Region

K Nine Birddog Brittanys – Coolidge, Arizona
This website has comprehensive listings for breeding, hunting, confirmation, and obedience training.

Training Document For Brittany Owners

As every Brittany owner knows and every new Brittany Puppy Parent realizes rather quickly, every Brittany needs exercise (they need to run, run, run!), training and of course a job, then you have a happy Brittany and owner too.  For those looking for a resource to help you and your Brittany get a good start, or perhaps a refresher see below:

Training Your Brittany Pup

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